How to add SX.ORG Proxy in ixBrowser (+promo code for free GB)
What is SX.ORG?
SX.ORG is a fresh proxy market with 12M+ clean IP-addresses of all types with 200+ GEOs.All proxies from high-quality, reliable partners are available in one place, along with our own pool of over 12 million clean IP addresses.
Enjoy flexible configuration that lets you tailor proxies for any task, with coverage across 200+ geo-locations, and targeted configuration down to the ASN level.
Benefits for Users:
1.All types of proxies: Mobile, Residential, Corporate;
2.Users pay only for the traffic they use – pay as you go;
3.Regular updates to the IP pool;
4.No limit on port creation;
5.Support for HTTP and SOCKS5 protocols;
6.Flexible proxy architecture – configure proxies for any GEO;
7.Detailed open API;
8.Uptime: 99.78%;
9.24/7 customer support;
!!! Get GB for free with the promo code IxBro !!!
The promo code is activated after registration on our website SX.ORG
Where to enter the promo code:
- Go to your profile
- On the left side find the “Get Bonus” button
- Connect Telegram
- In tg-bot enter the promo code IxBro in the form
How to set up SX.ORG proxies with ixBrowser?
Step 1: Register an account in SX.ORG
Step 2: Verify your email
In order to create a proxy port, go to the “Create New Port” tab.
On the first step of creating a proxy, you will be asked to select a country and a proxy type.
Above the country selection field you can set the IP type: mobile, corporate or residential (1). Note that all 3 types are selected by default, but for the most stable performance, we recommend selecting only one of those types.
You can find the country you are interested in in the “Country Search” field (2). Just start filling out the name and the dynamic filter will display the most similar results.
After selecting a country, next you can select a region and a city you are interested in. If you don't know in which region the city of your choice is located, worry not, when selecting the city, the region will be selected automatically.
Next you can set the ASN (Internet Service Provider). We recommend leaving this option by default.
At the last step you can choose a name for your proxy, quantity, rotation type and authorization type.
Next, you can choose a type of IP behavior (3).
“Keep connection” (default) - if the current IP stops operating, the system will replace it with the closest similar IP of the same subnet or the same ASN.
“Break Connection” - if the IP disconnects, the connection will be halted until the current IP becomes online again.
“Rotate” - with this type of behavior, the IP address is being changed with each request.
And the last step is to select the authorization type (4):
“Login and password authorization only” (default) - the proxy is being authorized by login and password only. Note: IP addresses of devices added to your whitelist cannot be used with this type of proxy.
“Authorization by whitelist or authorization by login and password” - this type of proxy allows you to establish connection via IP:PORT credentials of the proxy, without specifying login and password, as long as the IP address of your device is provided in the whitelist.
*Please note, this option requires a fee.
The cost of creating a port of this type is $0.01. Also $0.01 for each port of this type on your account will be deducted from your balance once a day.
Upon setting all the preferences, click “Create Port”, and the proxy generation will start taking you to the main screen of the “My Proxy Ports” page
Click Create a new port (5)
Congratulations, you have created a port!
Now you need to select the proxy type (6)
Next, copy the proxy URL, login and password (7)
How to setup SX Proxy with ixBrowser?
Step 1: register an account, download and log in to ixBrowser
Click “Create Profile”(1), select platform and group, enter profile title(2), and click “Next Step” (3)
in Proxy Configuration page, choose the proxy method to “Custom” (4), and choose proxy type to Socks5 (5)
Copied from the website we insert the data into ixBrowser (6)
Click proxy detection (7), once is passed, you can click “Create” button (8) to finish the profile creation
In proxy list, find the profile you just created, click “Open” button, and you can start using it!